
Santi Caballé, Thanasis Daradoumis


Virtual campuses and educational organisations are experiencing a shift from the traditional sharing of learning material and applications as the main purpose of e-learning systems to an emergent paradigm, which locates learners at the very centre of networks and exploits the value of learners' connections and relations. Mobile and Web 2.0 technologies, among others, have come to play a major role in this context by enabling a new generation of social networks and communities for e-learning and dramatically changing the way all the actors involved use and interact with Web-based learning systems. In particular, intelligent networking opens up new opportunities for time management in the learning process from traditional time constraints and becomes an important factor to consider.  

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eLCRPS. eLearn Center Research Paper Series is an e-journal promoted by the eLearn Center of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.


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